Call for Abstracts - Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines for the Eurasian Soil Congress 2025

Abstracts submitted to the Eurasian Soil Congress 2025 will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. Based on their assessment, abstracts may be accepted as either oral or poster presentations. To review the Abstract Review Form, please click here.

To submit an abstract for the Eurasian Soil Congress 2025, please ensure it adheres to the following guidelines: Abstracts must be written in English and submitted as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc or *.docx). The content should use Times New Roman, 12 pt font, single-spaced, and justified text with a maximum of 300 words. Where applicable, include the following subheadings: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Acknowledgement. The title should be in 16 pt bold and centered, author names in 12 pt normal and centered (underline the presenting author), affiliations in 11 pt centered, and the corresponding author’s email in 11 pt normal and centered. Margins should be set at 2.5 cm on all sides with a 1 cm gutter. For consistency, leave a single line empty between consecutive paragraphs. Keywords should range from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 8. This template ensures uniformity in submissions and highlights the high standards of the Congress.

Please click here to access the Abstract Template file.


Full Text Submission Guidelines for the Eurasian Soil Congress 2025

The full text should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc or *.docx) and prepared in Times New Roman font, with the title centered in 16 pt, bold, and all capital letters, and author names centered in 12 pt, normal font, with the presenting author’s name underlined. Affiliations should be centered in 11 pt, normal font, and the corresponding author’s email centered in 11 pt, normal font. Main headings (e.g., INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, REFERENCES) must be left-aligned, written in 14 pt, bold, and all capital letters, while subheadings, if needed, should be left-aligned, written in 12 pt, bold, with the first letter of each word capitalized. The text body should be justified, written in 12 pt, single-spaced, with no indentation at the start of paragraphs and 6 pt spacing before and after each paragraph. Tables, figures, and graphics must have titles placed above them, centered, in 10 pt, with only the first letters of each word capitalized, and their content should also be in 10 pt font, with explanatory notes provided below in 8 pt font. References must be listed alphabetically at the end, written in 10 pt, single-spaced, with 6 pt spacing between entries. Margins should be set to 2.5 cm on all sides, with a 1 cm gutter.  

Please click here to access the Full Text Template file.

NOTE: i) Only full texts of papers presented as oral or poster presentations at the Eurasian Soil Congress 2025 will be included in the Book of Proceedings.

ii) The similarity index of full texts to be included in the Book of Proceedings must not exceed 15% (excluding References, Tables, and Figures), and the similarity from any single source must not exceed 5%, as determined by programs such as iThenticate or Turnitin.